“Children are enthusiastic learners, who love coming to nursery as they thrive within this rich and enchanting environment. Children are extremely happy and demonstrate high levels of emotional security, confidence and self-esteem”.

- Ofsted


You can register for Chelsea Pre-Prep using the form below. You will also be able to register for our other Rocket Schools: Kingsland Prep-Prep and Archmore Gardens Pre-Prep, both located in Chelsea. We recommend registering very early as places are subject to availability, due to a large amount of registrations we will close a particular year’s intake up to 2 years in advance.

Children start from 2 years of age and we aim for a spread of birthdates throughout the year. Admissions are given priority to siblings and then on a first come basis. Offers are made over a year in advance for every intake. Please note that registering at one or both our schools does not guarantee a place being offered.

We only offer places for the Autumn term of each year and children need to have turned 2 by the 31st of August to be eligible for that year’s intake.  We expect all our children to attend either Pre-Prep for two years. 

We operate term-time only. There are three terms in the school year, beginning in September, January and April.

We offer a morning session from 8:30am - 12pm, an afternoon session from 12:30pm - 4pm and full day sessions from 8:30am - 3pm.

Full days - Children also have the chance to stay a full school day! Full days are all about getting physical and active. Early childhood is about discovering new talents and skills and our teachers will be able to bring out the Serena Williams or Carlos Acosta within. We also offer after-school clubs run by our teachers until 4pm.

Specialist subjects - We are one of the first in London to directly employ our own Rocket specialised Sports, Dance & Performance teachers.